OUR Story

Success Story of Blind Welfare Council Students.

Germany Medal Winners
An excellent example is of the World Summer Games organised by Special Olympics in June 2023 at Berlin Germany.
In which a total of 03 athletes with intellectual disabilities living in rural areas participated and these 03 athletes together w

Success story of Abu Dhabi world summer games
The athletes with intellectual disabilities are attaining great heights at Blind welfare council Dahod.

My daughter, Mahek was born as a premature child in the seventh month. Due to oxygen toxicity (excessive supply of oxygen given by the doctor),
she suffered from R.O.P. ( Retinopathy of Prematurity). She lost her vision, speech and many other prob

Chalo aaj kuch achha sunte hain.
Schemes for the welfare of Diyangjan - Gujarati
Audio Part 1
Audio Part 2
Audio Part 3

Our charity help those people who have no hope

education and training
Education and training of any person making a difference in their lives. When it is a matter of children with mental retardation and multiple disabilities it makes a lot of difference. The parents and family members have a better life as the children he

Sports Activities
Blind Welfare Council Supports students in Sports Activities, Students take participation in State, National, and International level games.

Recognizing the need to facilitate the disabled with basic skill-based livelihood training and provide broader employment opportunities

healthy food and comfortable living
"Healthy mind thinks better". At BWC Dahod nutritious food is provided to the children and adults with all categories of disability. The children under the residential school or the adults under the vocational training are provided well-balanc

vocational training
Persons with disabilities like visually impaired, hearing impaired, mentally retarded or locomotor disabled shall be trained for a vocation so that after one year`s training they can start earning by doing a job or they can be self-employed. The trainin

AIDS, APPLIANCES And Educational Material
Distribution of AIDS, APPLIANCES And Educational Material.
The Institute is working with the help of the Society and Government. The donation received by the institute is used in various welfare activities of the disabled.
CASH & Cheque
The Institute is working with the help of the Society and Government. The donation received by the institute is used in various welfare activities of the disabled
More InformationAIDS & APPLIANCES
Tricycle, Wheel-Chair, Crutches, Tape-Recorder, Hearing Aid, White Cane.
More InformationOUR Gallery

We create events aiming to pear to the voice for children and gather for support.
Please update with our events and confirm you presence.
Our Trustees

We create events aiming to pear to the voice for children and gather for support.
Please update with our events and confirm you presence.
Mr. Prafulbhai N Vyas
Mr. Bhaskarbhai Y Mehta
Vice President
Dr. Nagendranath Nagar
Vice President
Mr. Yusufi F Kapadiya
Managing Trustee & Hon.Gen.Secretary
Mr. Khimjibhai L Patel
Joint Secretary
Mr. Virabhai M Parmar
OUR Activities Video